For my midterm project, I wanted to choose a model that would not only be within my ability to create, but that would also be within my ability to animate by the end of the semester. For those reasons, I decided to create a model of a snake -- not just a tube with a head on the end, but a realistic, lifelike snake.
Numerous images were skimmed through for reference material, but here are links to a couple I found particularly useful: ,
Step 1
I began by creating an elongated cylinder.
Step 2
I then applied a nonlinear wave deformation to the cylinder to give it the curvy formation a snake's body typically has while it's slithering.
Step 3
Next, I manipulated the cylinder's CVs to raise a ridge along it's dorsal side, because on most snakes the spine creates a slight bulge along the top of the body.
Step 4
After that, I applied a nonlinear flare deformation, to make the snake's body thickest in the middle and thinner towards the ends.
Step 5
I then manipulated the CVs of one of the flat ends of the snake to taper it to a point, for the tail.
Step 6
To start on the head, I created a sphere and stretched it a bit. At this point, I also used CV manipulation to flatten the snake's belly, except for the neck, which I left slightly elevated.
Step 7
A great deal of CV manipulation was then used to sculpt the head out of the sphere. I had a lot of difficulty trying to get the head to look the way I wanted, but I feel the final shape is at least recognizable as a snake head.
Step 8
Eyes were then added to the head, which was then attached to the body.
Step 9
After creating a tongue out of a rectangle, some CV manipulating, and another wave deformation, textures were applied to it, the eyes, head, body, and underbelly.
Final Renders
For the final steps, I created a plane under the snake, added a grass texture to it, and then used the brush tool to add three-dimensional grass to it. I applied a slight bitmap effect to the scales to give them a little more texture, although the effect didn't seem to work on the head for some reason. Finally, I experimented with the lighting for a while, eventually setting on an ambient light, an area light, and a directional light to achieve the light levels I desired. Renders of the finished scene are show below.